Project 365 | January 2015

And the first month done! It was pretty easy so far, but it is only the beginning. I  do not regret starting this project 365 and have been enjoying it. Hopefully I will be able to stick with this project until the end. It is really fun going through my everyday and seeing what I have done. And it also help me develop my creativity and find different ways to snap my everyday.

  • 001/365 : Happy New Year! Resolutions for this year : do a #project365 to improve my photography skills, be more productive and have fun!
  • 002/365 : Say hello to my {new} friend, my neighbor’s cat who loves hanging out in our garden.
  • 003/365 : Anybody who knows me knows I’m addicted to stripes {my outfit today}
  • 004/365 : Extending the holidays through a jar of candy canes
  • 005/365 : Simple nailart to start the year
  • 006/365 : First workout of the year! Woot Woot! So tired afterwards so definitely a {calm} afternoon after that! haha!
  • 007/365 : Was planning on posting something completely different today. But considering the circumstances, this is more appropriate… My thoughts goes to all the victims of today’s attack. #jesuischarlie
  • 008/365 : Simple
  • 009/365 : Had so much fun tonight at Messmer’s show. Helps to forget all the madness that is happening in the country.
  • 010/365 : Warm & cosy night.
  • 011/365 : Unfortunately couldn’t participate in the Paris March today but was there by the thought. So proud to see so many people coming together.
  • 012/365 : {Starts with a j}
  • 013/365 : Mama Koala and her {three} little cubs.
  • 014/365 : Needed a new profile pic so here you go. The closest to a selfie you’ll ever get haha!
  • 015/365 : Love crossing stuff off my {to do} list. Feels so good
  • 016/365 : Good {shoes} take you good places
  • 017/365 : Went to see a photo exhibit about the tsunami in Sri Lanka. It’s been 10 years already…
  • 018/365 : Nice sunday afternoon relaxing and listening to music
  • 019/365 : Enjoying a nice cup of tea & biscuits in my Lense mug
  • 020/365 : And at last I see the {light}
  • 021/365 : What I see while {looking down} from my window, our bullock cart completely dismantled. It has been so windy these past few days!
  • 022/365 : Freezing {weather} here in Paris today. Brrrr!
  • 023/365 : Guest room art {frame}. Walk like an Egyptian!
  • 024/365 : Made swatches of my nailpolishes today. 90 and counting…slightly addicted!
  • 025/365 : Celebrated my parents’ 35th anniversary today. Had some cool fruit platters for the occasion
  • 026/365 : Crafty afternoon making some birthday cards. I get {inspired} by whatever surrounds me
  • 027/365 : Spent the afternoon editing
  • 028/365 : Currently reading…totally hooked to Gone Girl this past few days. Can’t wait to finish it!
  • 029/365 : There is always flowers somewhere, at my parents house
  • 030/365 : Finally got a bit of snow over here. Yeah! It was really nice waking up to this white scenery
  • 031/365 : View from my window

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