Project 365 | September 2015

September is already over! How crazy! There is only 3 months left in this project. This month was a very busy month work wise so there were a few days where I didn’t have much time to shoot. But I really challenged me to not think too much and just snap my daily photo. It[...]
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Project 365 | Juillet 2015

July was a fun month to shoot. The weather is getting better, and the light is perfect. Getting to shoot a lot outdoors. Had family over so I got to show them around town. It gave me the opportunity to take pictures of famous parisian monuments like a tourist! haha! I had a lot of[...]
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Project 365 | June 2015

June is done. I am officially half way through this challenge. I never thought I would last this long. Having the prompts from The Bethadilly Challenge really helps most of the time when I run out of ideas. It helps me keep myself inspired. Plus following other fellow photographers who are taking the same challenge[...]
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Project 365 | May 2015

May was a busy month. There were a few trips to London, a trip to the East of France. Lots of great memories were captured. The weather is getting warmer so there are more and more outdoor photography. I got to spend time with many friends I have not seen for a while, which is always a[...]
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Project 365 | April 2015

A lot has happened in April. It was very rough on a emotional level. Never easy to lose someone. It is even harder when it is to suicide. But there were good times as well. And I think it is important to focus on the positive things in life. It gives hope. And while looking back[...]
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Project 365 | March 2015

And 3 months down! March was a pretty busy month for me as you can see. There were a few shows and a fun trip to London to visit my sis. So there were good opportunities to snap away and get my creative juices flowing. We even got a few warmer days where I could[...]
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juillet 2024

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